Yesterday (April 17, 2008) the Henderson Writer’s Group Writer’s Conference aka the Las Vegas Writer’s Conference ( began at Sam’s Town ( on Boulder Highwary in Las Vegas. By coincidence this is near where a VERY big news story occurred last week. Just down the road is the soon to be famous/infamous Motel 6 where Buffalo Jim Barrier was found dead. But that’s another story.
The writers conference has been great. The HWG has done a fine job of organizing a quality event. The conference is NOT genre specific like many writer’s conferences (mystery, romance, western, etc.) but that’s okay. Whenever writers can get together and glean some sliver of community with one another it’s a good thing. Today’s presentations by Penny Sansevieri of and Bob Mayer‘s ( presentations on giving structure to a core idea were especially inspiring.
I met people writers today from as far away as Florida, but especially for any writers working in the Southwest or West, this is a good conference to attend.
I’m very much looking forward to tomorrow’s crime panel.
Writing sucks more than sometimes, but sometimes it can put you in interesting rooms with interesting people …if you’re curious enough….